
Cat Shit Rolled In Skunk Juice

Ah, the great glorious smell. You know what I am talking about.  Another year down this road.  I have just updated BlogEngine to a more recent version, with the intention of updating it to the latest version soon. I haven’t been messing with my websites much as this whole world has felt as if it’s a burden to me more than any sort of enjoyment anymore.  These small glimpses of success encourage me though.

I guess it’s time to ramble on about the previous year and reflect.  Two of my friends decided to ramp up their crazy. One managed to land himself a nice long prison sentence and the other one ended up dead.  Since you are here, you might be already familiar with UFO Jeff. If not, be sure to check out the Karvanek Conspiracy pages on the site.  Well, yep, he landed himself a nice vacation in prison for awhile.  Handy Internet tip from Captain Obvious; Don’t make death threats to government employees.  My other friend decided to activate his Oxycontin powers and it didn’t quite work out for him.  Of course, a requirement of friends with me, is being an asshole.  He decided that Thanksgiving, my wife’s birthday, would be the day to go out.

My dog is still alive and I have health care insurance now, so I got that going for me.


Fun Times With Northbridge Heat Sinks Exploding

I just realized I never made a post in 2012. It was that exciting of a year. NOT!

I’m here just tesitng my blog application after having to re-install everything on some different hardware.  The IBM server I am hosting my sites on decided to melt down on me. It was one of those slow melt downs. At first I thought it was the CPU Fan failing as it was quite old and sounded like a tractor. It’s possible I was too late in replacing it.  Of course, it’s an IBM server and the mount was non-standard so I had to raid an old motherboard for the standard P4 fan mount. Everything was fine for about two weeks and my wife and I were sitting in the office room and we heard a tink, click noise coming from the server. Naturallly I thought my wife bumped the server and knocked the front off of it. Nope. So I immedately logged into it and shut it down. The noise we hear was the Northbridge chip popping off. The mounts to it actually came out of the motherboard. And of course, the holes for these chipsets are not standard so it was time to ditch the IBM for some different hardware. It’s not the greatest hardware but it’s working so far.  Hopefully I can get some newer hardware specific for server roles.  I don’t forsee that happening anytime soon though.

I think I will try to post more to my blog, but it’s fairly boring and uninteresting. Not that anyone reads this. The most busy part of the site is my Baseall Card collect pages. Go figure.  I did update the Karvanek Conspiracy pages and I’m adding videos onto YouTube. It’s much easier to host videos on YouTube than on the server. Don’t have to backup gigabytes of video files. Makes it much easier.



The Death Of Crazy Bob

Recently I learned of the death of an acquaintance. It’s always disappointing to learn months afterwords. His name was Bob, aka Crazy Bob. He was a paraplegic and has a very unique outlook on life and the human existence and soul.  He was quite a loner and many nights I would visit him in his studio apartment discussing life the universe and everything.  He was fascinated with my own views and I like to believe that I inspired him. I am quite sure I did.  Bob had moved away many years ago, perhaps over 10 years, it has been so long.  A mutual friend would always mention that he asked about me.  It is through this friend that I learned of his passing back in December, alone.  It is unfortunate and always brings to the fore front my own mortality.  I discovered during the update of the blog site that I still have one of his writings. You could loosely call it a book.  He wrote it over a several months after a long discussion that him and I had where I stated that I believed in evolution.  I had converted it and put it on line so that who ever could read it.  I believe he got a few responses and many trolls, which shunned him from the Internet.  I will post it as Pages to my blog site and he will live on forever in the Internet.

So I give you Crazy Bob aka NO INGS ramblings of how he saw and believed in our souls.  Don’t say I didn’t warn you!

SOUL – Secrets Of Universal Love


Updates To My Blog

I really like BlogEngine. Updating it is quite simple and hasn’t been much of a pain in the ass so far.

I’ve added some more pages to the site as well.  I uploaded some old cassette tape recordings I did when I was 9 years old.  Perhaps I will write more about that experience in the future. Not that anyone actually reads these.  99% of the traffic is spam in the form of referral link spam or attempted comment spam.  It’s pathetic.


our 500px by 500px blurry cat award

I’m telling you, the Internet is great. I love the Internet! And what’s more great than the Internet.  Blogs on the Internet! Blogs, I’m telling ya!  Without the Internet, I could not have made up these awesome true life stories.

It started sometime in 2002 or 2003 when we decided to setup a web site for our cat.  We named our cat after the cat in the Peppy Le Pew cartoon love interest Penelope or Penny for short because of her tuxedo coloring.  Her nickname was Monkey Kitty. Well, obviously or was already taken, we wanted something unique, so amazingly was available.  It was a learning process for my wife in building a site from an HTML template and I think it was the first time both of us ever used CSS and server side includes.  We used some ASP based photo gallery software, can’t remember when I switched it over to CopperMine.  It was your normal run of the mill personal pet website with a photo gallery.  Once we set it up we really didn’t update it much at all.  In 2009 our cat passed away and that was probably the first time since 2007 I had done any sort of updates with the site.

So as you can tell by my other blog entries, I have been working on all my domains, learning new things here and there.  I discovered kind of randomly this Google service for Webmasters.  It’s part of Google Search and it will tell you about what the Google Search Bots are finding on your site and a bit more information about how your site is indexed in Google searches.  I initially setup the Equestrian Pages site as the first for this and it gave me some good information and over time I think it will be helpful.  So I setup a few more domains with this, AutoNarcosis, Equestrian Journal, and Monkey Kitty.

So, I wait the 48 hours or so for the information to roll in on the domains.  It’s information I am not surprised by. Everything is consistent with what I knew from years of web log analyzing the domains.  But, Monkey Kitty seemed to have an odd thing.  It only had one web site linking to it.  I was surprised that there was even one link to it.  It’s such a plain personal cat site, not much there. It’s barely ever updated.  Penny is cute though.  The domain linking to her site pointed back to this ‘Web Technologists’ blog site.  Before specifically searching for the link I read through quite a bit of the blogs and got the increasing feeling that when I find the blog entry for my cats site, it would be derogatory in some way.

I couldn’t manually find the blog entry with the link in it. I am beginning to wonder if it’s a link within the comments. I do some searches with the sites built in search and nothing comes up.  So I go back to google to search for the mention within the sites domain. Sure enough, I find it. Oh wow, yeah.  (Here’s the article)

The article is about the authors definition of award to justify some rant about a competing award website that is more obviously setup as a link system.  They specifically use my cats website as an example of a site that should not have been awarded something from an award site that gives out awards.  It’s been so long it is hard to tell what award Monkey Kitty was given, so we no longer know if it’s in or out of context.  I point out that the award site they are ranting about in the article is not linked to in the article, yet they did take the time to link to the sites they deemed should not have gotten awards.  And years later, the illegitimate award site being complained about is still up and running, but the competing award site he is defending is some plain looking blog in German. So much for that business model. Perhaps there is a reason?

Oh, but it gets better! Whats this on his blog site? A link to a pet blog? His wifes pet blog?  This is just classic!  Rip on some personal pet web site to make your competitor look illegitimate at the same time making the content of the site seem just as illegitimate then setup a pet blog later on.

I talked to my wife after writing the majority of this article before publishing it.  It’s even better, since, she remembers signing up for both award sites. So, it wasn’t the site he was ragging on how he found the cat site, it was submitted to the site he was a judge on.

Circle of douchebaggery complete! 



Don’t Step On The Grunties


Ok, so yeah, my family is a bit odd.  As a small child going through the whole potty training of going to the bathroom, my mom had come up with taking a crap and turds in general as Grunties.  Not sure exactly where she picked up on this term, perhaps from her own mother, I don’t know.  From what I can remember she explained that the term is from the faces we would make taking a crap.  The Gruntie face, because, we grunted, or something to that effect.  I think it was myself that might have ended up being the one who did the action for my mom to coin the term.  But for the longest time my sister and I would call dog turds or whatever turd we found on the ground Grunties.  Not having any sort of clue that this wasn’t a common term or that others wouldn’t know what we were talking about.

The day came when the realization that no one has a clue what the fuck we are talking about when my sister and I are playing in the backyard with some friends and my sister screams out “Don’t Step On The Grunties!”  The other kids are just baffled at what the hell my sister meant.  The dog crap! Don’t you call them Grunties too?  Blank stares and that Are you crazy look came out of our friends.

So yeah. Don’t step on the Grunties!


Happy New Year!


What a year. I hope this new year will be better than the last.


Will Technology Doom Us?

I think a lot, have lots of opinions and such but I never really form it much. I haven’t written much at all since college days, which I really enjoyed.  I miss writing reports or just papers on certain subjects, even if I didn’t really care for them. The Internet and Technology, I guess, has replaced much of any sort of deep thought for me.  For the most part I just give people the answers they don’t want to hear in the chat.  My writings might not have the standard beginning, middle and end, mainly because I’ve learned that in the social networking scene, you have to give your answers with the quickness. That means thinking out things quickly, which I’ve never been very good at. So this brings me to this entry of which I will ramble on about the question. Will Technology Doom Us?

I ask this question in the idea that, there are masses of people whom technology is greatly benefiting us in our daily lives. It certainly makes our lives easier than ever before, but at what point will that hinder our own development? Or, as I am seeing it, will it divide us even further, not into race, religion of region, but by the ability to use and control technology over those who can’t or are not interested. Will these latter people have to sucumb to the ones who embrace technology?  Kind of like the idea of Big Brother, in that, if Big Brother is watching us, who is watching Big Brother. Who of if we will maintain some sort of technological equalibrium.  And as I write this perhaps I am bluring the lines of technology and information, as it does seem, perhaps feel, that the time is coming again where there is this squeeze to control information from the haves to the have nots.

Well, I ask questions but again, as I said earlier, I am going to finish up this post. I think I will attempt to write more formal articles, perhaps attempt to stick to a topic and not just free flow. And yeah, the comments are disabled because of the mountain of spam they would generate since no one is really paying attention to what I am saying anyways.


Thanksgiving and Shit

Great thanksgiving with friends and hung out with family on Saturday.  It’s is always a nice thing, but good to get to go back to my own home.

The theme I initally was going to use turned out to just be too crappy of display so I went back to the original theme of BlogEngine. It kind of sucks, but I will slowly modify it to at least a color scheme I like.  I find the default penis looking favicon to be funny so will be changing that eventually as well.  It’s more disturbing than funny I guess.

The Black Friday crazyness videos on You Tube are just hilarious. I guess eventually I will collect some links and post them here, but now I was just going to ramble on about it.  I am not into the Black Friday thing, it just seems insanely silly and down right retarded really.  Am I really to that age where I just don’t want anything that the retail stores have to offer that I need to stand in line and be herded through some doors and gates to get some artifically inflated trinkets that I could have bought the week before and the week after for the same price or perhaps even cheaper.  Or, buy it online at my leisure online.  I just don’t get it.  Oh well.

I think after this post I will install the spell checker as well.  I am sure my spelling errors are torture.


Welcome To My Hell

Changing up the entire AutoNarcosis website, I’m re-creating it using some blog software.  I will post some really old entries from when I first started this website back in 1997. Life sure does keep on changing.  I will most likely post random thoughts and ramblings here that may or may not make any sense to anyone reading it.  Perhaps I will entertain a few people.  I will eventually create my own theme, or at least modify an exsisting one to what I would like. In the mean time I am using this super fun time XtreemBlog theme which kind of looks a bit cheesy.  Plus the theme needs an entry!