
Windows 10 – DVD Play Back – History Doesn’t Exist With Neck Beards.

With the Windows 10 release we are now getting a ton of neck beard ding dong click bait blog posts about it.  The big one making the rounds this week is how Windows 10 doesn’t include the ability to play DVD’s and how it’s some sort of evil thing that Microsoft is charging money for the ability to do so.  DVD play back requires the MPEG2 decoder which requires a license.

Welcome to the No History Neck Beards.  Seeing as we will ignore the entire history of the Windows operating system.  Microsoft Windows has never included in the MPEG2 decoder.  It ALWAYS has been an add on.  The only Windows editions that included this were the Media Center Editions, in which you most likely paid just a little bit more for the license to the MPEG2 decoder.  It is possible that many pre-packaged computers from HP, Compaq, Dell had the decoder included because a third party DVD player was installed. Of course our savior neck beards won’t differentiate from that.

By Geoff

I do things with computers.